Transfer Factor
See also: Cancer Therapy Complementary Healthcare Products |
Transfer factor is, essentially, colostrum – Mother’s Milk. When a newborn arrives, he doesn’t have an immune system. This is provided initially by Mother’s Milk until his immune system develops.
Transfer Factor is concentrated mother’s milk. It is not only useful for disease prevention, but it can also help a dysfunctional (over or under active) immune system to return to normal.
Greg B Wilson PhD and James B Daily PhD wrote: "Transfer factors are not only useful for disease prevention but can also help with diseases already established due to inadequate immune response. Since transfer factor-producing T lymphocytes are important in immune recognition and memory, impairment of transfer factor production could neutralize the rest of the immune response in otherwise healthy individuals. Therefore, introducing transfer factors can sometimes enable a dysfunctional immune system to return to normal."
Check out this article by the vet Kenneth L Marcella DVM, which was published in the American DVM magazine in 2003:
Transfer Factor: long-awaited next step in immunotherapy
Immunotherapy was predicted to be one of the most rapidly expanding areas of medical science in this decade.
Proposed advances in our ability to manipulate the protection offered by the body's own immune system were going to make humans and animals far healthier and were promising to increase both the length and quality of life. Immune agents were going to be our new defenses against those microorganisms that no longer responded to antibiotics and diseases from allergies to cancer were going to be subdued by this new field.
Slow in coming
To date, however, those advances have been slow in coming. We have not been able to manipulate the body's own defenses as planned and we have few effective immune stimulants.
Positive research data has been piling up concerning the most promising immune agent in years, though, and immunologists may be finally making good on their earlier predictions.
Transfer factor, as this new immune compound is being called, may be the long-awaited "next step" and it may be everything that was promised.
Richard Bennet Ph.D., an infectious disease immunologist writes, "It is our ability to create a really healthy immune system that I think represents the greatest potential gains in health in the world."
It is the immune system, after all, which provides humans and animals with the ability to recognize and remember potentially harmful foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. The immune system allows us to then respond to these threatening invaders in our systems.
Devastatingly familiar
The consequences of conditions of suppressed or damaged immune systems are devastatingly familiar to veterinarians.
Arab foals with combined immunodeficiency complex and older horses with chronic laminitis due to Cushing's disease-related effects are but two such examples. Respiratory problems in young foals, allergies, skin infections, and hoof wall diseases are other problems that can also be related to immune system dysfunction.
A new agent that would vastly improve immune function in horses would certainly warrant some attention. Transfer factor promises to be this new agent. It is a component of colostrum and is produced to be used as a powder added to the diet.
Structure, function
To understand what this colostral derivative may potentially mean to veterinarians and horses, it is necessary to briefly review the structure and function of the immune system.
The body has two principal immune defense systems: humoral and cellular. B-lymphocytes in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow produce plasma cells that in turn produce antibodies in the gamma globulin fraction. These immunoglobulins can potentially recognize huge numbers of antigens. This is the basis of humoral immunity.
Humoral immunoglobulins are primarily designed to fight bacterial infections. Lymphocytes that populate the thymus become responsible for cellular immunity. These cells produce structures called lymphokines that mediate delayed hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. They are responsible for rejection of transferred foreign tissue and for the recognition and rejection of tumor cells.
The cellular immunity system is responsible for defense against infections due to viruses, fungi and some types of bacteria and cancers. Transfer factor stimulates both portions of the immune system.
In the beginning
In 1949, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence, a researcher working on tuberculosis, found that he could transfer immunity between patients using fractionated white blood cells. The key ingredient was a part of the lymphocyte cell, and Lawrence called this component "transfer factor."
This discovery was not actively pursued for nearly 30 years until the late '80s. At that time colostrum and milk were discovered to contain significant amounts of transfer factor. The exact mechanism of action of transfer factor has never been determined but it is now known that transfer factor is a lymphokine. The two most notable lymphokines are interferon and interleukins.
These lymphokines are protein messengers thought to be released by antigen-sensitized lymphocytes. They play a role in macrophage activation, lymphocyte transformation (the process of precursor cells becoming B and T cells), and in cell-mediated immunity. Transfer factor is one of the most potent messengers and has three distinct effects on the immune system.
Natural killer
Transfer factor is also a natural killer cell inductor. These cells are non-specific attack cells that seek out and destroy infected or malignant cells and cells infected by viruses.
Transfer factor increases natural killer cell activity five times over normal rates and it is non-species specific. It is believed that this aspect of transfer factor is related to the significant improvements seen in certain cancer patients that have taken this product. Multiple sclerosis patients have also shown improvements.
Transfer factor in cats, dogs, horses, cows and humans is virtually identical structurally and completely identical functionally. This has helped in the production of this product since cows can produce large quantities of colostrum that is then used for extraction of transfer factor.
Suppresses immune function
Transfer factor is also a suppressor of immune function.
It is paradoxical that the same product can both stimulate and suppress immune function but transfer factor function depends on the specific antigens and the status of the immune response. Transfer factor can stimulate the release of T suppressor cells when "down" regulation is necessary due to over activity. Autoimmune diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and allergic reactions are situations where the body's own immune response has over-responded to antigenic stimulation. Transfer factor works in these situations because it can slow down this overactive response.
Obvious advantages
While discussions of the immune system tend to be fairly technical, the practical advantages of a potent new immune stimulating treatment are obvious.
The ability to stimulate the horse's body to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses will reduce the amount and types of antibiotics that may need to be used by veterinarians. It is important to try to retain those antibiotics that are available to veterinarians and to use them in a way that will maintain their effectiveness for as long as possible.
If veterinarians can stimulate a better immune response to respiratory bacteria, skin pathogens and various viruses, then the need to use antibiotics is lessened. If transfer factor can produce such boosts in immunity in 24 hours then the potential for use as a pre-travel protectant, or a post-exposure treatment is tremendous.
Horses suffering from other diseases such as Cushing's disease, laminitis, colitis, cancers ranging from sarcoids to melanomas and reproductive conditions such as chronic metritis, may all benefit from transfer factor use. This product may indeed be the long-awaited next step and the field of immunotherapy may finally fulfil its promise.
Studies have shown that Transfer Factor is helping to fight:
Heart disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fungal infections
Autoimmune diseases
Atopic Dermatitis
Alzheimer’s disease
Multiple Sclerosis
In vitro and in vivo studies on Transfer Factor documented an increase in Natural Killer (NK) cell activity - by 248% and 437% respectively - over baseline immune response. The NK cell is the animal's first line of defense against many pathogens... bacteria, viruses, parasites, and of course malignant tumor cells.
Here’s what some other vets have to say about Transfer Factor:
Charles W. Brown, DVM -"My colleagues and I have found Transfer Factor to be very effective in modulating the immune system. Transfer factor is a "soup" of immune-modulating factors, which contains a leukocyte-type molecule that can passively transfer immunity from one mammal to another by stimulating cell-mediated immunity and is antigen specific. The transfer factor "soup" also contains suppressor and inducer factors, which can greatly increase the activity and effectiveness of natural killer cells while addressing autoimmune conditions at the same time. Independent laboratories have measured increases of more than 248% in natural killer cell effectiveness on live erythroleukemic cells. We have experienced encouraging results from the use of Transfer Factor on horses.
Richard Bennett, Ph.D., an Infectious Disease Microbiologist and Immunologist, who received his Doctorate in Comparative Pathology from the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, believes this could be the most significant development in animal health care in decades. “We have a great number of veterinarians and clients who are experiencing very positive results in a broad area of disorders, including periodontal. "
Steven Slagle, DVM -"Transfer factors and enhanced transfer factors have turned out to be the most effective and versatile products I have ever used in my 32-year veterinary practice. A cat with leukaemia, an oral tumor, and posterior paralysis due to a spinal tumor, was very ill and emaciated. One month after enhanced transfer factors (1 cap daily), there was some regression of the oral tumor, restored appetite with some weight gain, and increased sociability. Five months later, she continues to improve, regaining normal weight, 80% regression of her oral tumor, and regaining use of hind legs and tail.
Transfer Factor is concentrated mother’s milk. It is not only useful for disease prevention, but it can also help a dysfunctional (over or under active) immune system to return to normal.
Greg B Wilson PhD and James B Daily PhD wrote: "Transfer factors are not only useful for disease prevention but can also help with diseases already established due to inadequate immune response. Since transfer factor-producing T lymphocytes are important in immune recognition and memory, impairment of transfer factor production could neutralize the rest of the immune response in otherwise healthy individuals. Therefore, introducing transfer factors can sometimes enable a dysfunctional immune system to return to normal."
Check out this article by the vet Kenneth L Marcella DVM, which was published in the American DVM magazine in 2003:
Transfer Factor: long-awaited next step in immunotherapy
Immunotherapy was predicted to be one of the most rapidly expanding areas of medical science in this decade.
Proposed advances in our ability to manipulate the protection offered by the body's own immune system were going to make humans and animals far healthier and were promising to increase both the length and quality of life. Immune agents were going to be our new defenses against those microorganisms that no longer responded to antibiotics and diseases from allergies to cancer were going to be subdued by this new field.
Slow in coming
To date, however, those advances have been slow in coming. We have not been able to manipulate the body's own defenses as planned and we have few effective immune stimulants.
Positive research data has been piling up concerning the most promising immune agent in years, though, and immunologists may be finally making good on their earlier predictions.
Transfer factor, as this new immune compound is being called, may be the long-awaited "next step" and it may be everything that was promised.
Richard Bennet Ph.D., an infectious disease immunologist writes, "It is our ability to create a really healthy immune system that I think represents the greatest potential gains in health in the world."
It is the immune system, after all, which provides humans and animals with the ability to recognize and remember potentially harmful foreign substances such as bacteria and viruses. The immune system allows us to then respond to these threatening invaders in our systems.
Devastatingly familiar
The consequences of conditions of suppressed or damaged immune systems are devastatingly familiar to veterinarians.
Arab foals with combined immunodeficiency complex and older horses with chronic laminitis due to Cushing's disease-related effects are but two such examples. Respiratory problems in young foals, allergies, skin infections, and hoof wall diseases are other problems that can also be related to immune system dysfunction.
A new agent that would vastly improve immune function in horses would certainly warrant some attention. Transfer factor promises to be this new agent. It is a component of colostrum and is produced to be used as a powder added to the diet.
Structure, function
To understand what this colostral derivative may potentially mean to veterinarians and horses, it is necessary to briefly review the structure and function of the immune system.
The body has two principal immune defense systems: humoral and cellular. B-lymphocytes in the liver, spleen, lymph nodes and bone marrow produce plasma cells that in turn produce antibodies in the gamma globulin fraction. These immunoglobulins can potentially recognize huge numbers of antigens. This is the basis of humoral immunity.
Humoral immunoglobulins are primarily designed to fight bacterial infections. Lymphocytes that populate the thymus become responsible for cellular immunity. These cells produce structures called lymphokines that mediate delayed hypersensitivity or allergic reactions. They are responsible for rejection of transferred foreign tissue and for the recognition and rejection of tumor cells.
The cellular immunity system is responsible for defense against infections due to viruses, fungi and some types of bacteria and cancers. Transfer factor stimulates both portions of the immune system.
In the beginning
In 1949, Dr. H. Sherwood Lawrence, a researcher working on tuberculosis, found that he could transfer immunity between patients using fractionated white blood cells. The key ingredient was a part of the lymphocyte cell, and Lawrence called this component "transfer factor."
This discovery was not actively pursued for nearly 30 years until the late '80s. At that time colostrum and milk were discovered to contain significant amounts of transfer factor. The exact mechanism of action of transfer factor has never been determined but it is now known that transfer factor is a lymphokine. The two most notable lymphokines are interferon and interleukins.
These lymphokines are protein messengers thought to be released by antigen-sensitized lymphocytes. They play a role in macrophage activation, lymphocyte transformation (the process of precursor cells becoming B and T cells), and in cell-mediated immunity. Transfer factor is one of the most potent messengers and has three distinct effects on the immune system.
Natural killer
Transfer factor is also a natural killer cell inductor. These cells are non-specific attack cells that seek out and destroy infected or malignant cells and cells infected by viruses.
Transfer factor increases natural killer cell activity five times over normal rates and it is non-species specific. It is believed that this aspect of transfer factor is related to the significant improvements seen in certain cancer patients that have taken this product. Multiple sclerosis patients have also shown improvements.
Transfer factor in cats, dogs, horses, cows and humans is virtually identical structurally and completely identical functionally. This has helped in the production of this product since cows can produce large quantities of colostrum that is then used for extraction of transfer factor.
Suppresses immune function
Transfer factor is also a suppressor of immune function.
It is paradoxical that the same product can both stimulate and suppress immune function but transfer factor function depends on the specific antigens and the status of the immune response. Transfer factor can stimulate the release of T suppressor cells when "down" regulation is necessary due to over activity. Autoimmune diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and allergic reactions are situations where the body's own immune response has over-responded to antigenic stimulation. Transfer factor works in these situations because it can slow down this overactive response.
Obvious advantages
While discussions of the immune system tend to be fairly technical, the practical advantages of a potent new immune stimulating treatment are obvious.
The ability to stimulate the horse's body to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses will reduce the amount and types of antibiotics that may need to be used by veterinarians. It is important to try to retain those antibiotics that are available to veterinarians and to use them in a way that will maintain their effectiveness for as long as possible.
If veterinarians can stimulate a better immune response to respiratory bacteria, skin pathogens and various viruses, then the need to use antibiotics is lessened. If transfer factor can produce such boosts in immunity in 24 hours then the potential for use as a pre-travel protectant, or a post-exposure treatment is tremendous.
Horses suffering from other diseases such as Cushing's disease, laminitis, colitis, cancers ranging from sarcoids to melanomas and reproductive conditions such as chronic metritis, may all benefit from transfer factor use. This product may indeed be the long-awaited next step and the field of immunotherapy may finally fulfil its promise.
Studies have shown that Transfer Factor is helping to fight:
Heart disease
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Fungal infections
Autoimmune diseases
Atopic Dermatitis
Alzheimer’s disease
Multiple Sclerosis
In vitro and in vivo studies on Transfer Factor documented an increase in Natural Killer (NK) cell activity - by 248% and 437% respectively - over baseline immune response. The NK cell is the animal's first line of defense against many pathogens... bacteria, viruses, parasites, and of course malignant tumor cells.
Here’s what some other vets have to say about Transfer Factor:
Charles W. Brown, DVM -"My colleagues and I have found Transfer Factor to be very effective in modulating the immune system. Transfer factor is a "soup" of immune-modulating factors, which contains a leukocyte-type molecule that can passively transfer immunity from one mammal to another by stimulating cell-mediated immunity and is antigen specific. The transfer factor "soup" also contains suppressor and inducer factors, which can greatly increase the activity and effectiveness of natural killer cells while addressing autoimmune conditions at the same time. Independent laboratories have measured increases of more than 248% in natural killer cell effectiveness on live erythroleukemic cells. We have experienced encouraging results from the use of Transfer Factor on horses.
Richard Bennett, Ph.D., an Infectious Disease Microbiologist and Immunologist, who received his Doctorate in Comparative Pathology from the University of California, Davis School of Veterinary Medicine, believes this could be the most significant development in animal health care in decades. “We have a great number of veterinarians and clients who are experiencing very positive results in a broad area of disorders, including periodontal. "
Steven Slagle, DVM -"Transfer factors and enhanced transfer factors have turned out to be the most effective and versatile products I have ever used in my 32-year veterinary practice. A cat with leukaemia, an oral tumor, and posterior paralysis due to a spinal tumor, was very ill and emaciated. One month after enhanced transfer factors (1 cap daily), there was some regression of the oral tumor, restored appetite with some weight gain, and increased sociability. Five months later, she continues to improve, regaining normal weight, 80% regression of her oral tumor, and regaining use of hind legs and tail.
We keep Transfer Factor in the house at all times – for both the humans and the dogs. Our puppies have Transfer Factor every day to take the place of potentially harmful vaccines. Should operations ever be required, the dogs get Transfer Factor to help them through the stress, and to ensure that they’re in peak condition for the op. We humans take Transfer Factor to prevent or treat colds and flu. Transfer Factor has so many uses, that I think it should be in every home.
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