Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, (NAET), is a blending of the non-invasive procedures from Western and Eastern healing practices that help to eliminate allergies. It is a specific treatment procedure formulated by combining chiropractic and Chinese Medicine principles applied through spinal manipulation, acupuncture, kinesiology, acupressure and nutrition.
NAET uses Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to confirm the presence of allergic reactivity. Once identified, the practitioner uses spinal manipulation, acupressure and / or acupuncture procedures to eliminate the allergy. The treatment is geared to re-program the brain's negative responses towards the allergen(s) to a positive response whenever these substances are contacted in the future.
Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, (NAET), is a blending of the non-invasive procedures from Western and Eastern healing practices that help to eliminate allergies. It is a specific treatment procedure formulated by combining chiropractic and Chinese Medicine principles applied through spinal manipulation, acupuncture, kinesiology, acupressure and nutrition.
NAET uses Muscle Response Testing (MRT) to confirm the presence of allergic reactivity. Once identified, the practitioner uses spinal manipulation, acupressure and / or acupuncture procedures to eliminate the allergy. The treatment is geared to re-program the brain's negative responses towards the allergen(s) to a positive response whenever these substances are contacted in the future.
Some NAET practitioners are qualified to practice on animals but must have the approval of a vet if they are not one themselves.
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