All dogs need a fresh supply of clean water at all times, and the water must be changed at least daily.
A dog with a fever, with digestive problems, or with intestinal problems will often drink excessively. A female dog with pyometra will drink excessively. Dogs with kidney problems will also drink a great deal.
All dogs need a fresh supply of clean water at all times, and the water must be changed at least daily.
A dog with a fever, with digestive problems, or with intestinal problems will often drink excessively. A female dog with pyometra will drink excessively. Dogs with kidney problems will also drink a great deal.

Be conscious of the amount of water your dog drinks, and take him to the vet if he suddenly starts drinking a lot more than usual, and also if his water consumption increases over weeks and months. If he drinks a lot of water and then vomits, you should take him to the vet straight away.
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