A Vaccine Damaged Dog: Dexter's story
The above photo shows Dexter three months after his vaccination. What you cannot see are the bald patches on his back & between his hind legs, thinning hair across his body, multiple cysts, hot spots, pimples, scars from biopsies & skin scrapings, swollen nose, peeling skin, etc. He had also suffered internal bleeding from the steroids he was prescribed, which nearly killed him, and had become an over-anxious nervous wreck. It is hard to believe, but this photo was taken when Dexter’s health had actually begun to improve, three weeks after starting his homeopathic remedies. He had looked even worse at one stage.
The Above photo shows Dexter as he looks today, handsome & content. I cannot believe we got over the ordeal, and thank Richard Allport from the bottom of my heart for giving me my lovely dog back.
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