Adverse Reactions
An adverse reaction is any undesirable occurrence after the use of a drug, vaccine or other veterinary product. This includes an illness or apparent reaction, whether or not you know the illness was caused by the product. For products intended to diagnose disease, adverse events refer to anything that hinders discovery of the correct diagnosis.
European MCA listing of Lepto 4 vaccine reactions (April 2018)
Interpreting the data
Adverse Reaction Listing (once uploaded use the zoom button to view - large file - may take a little while to load)
.....When the damage is done. by permission from Dogs Today - January 2009 |
Is over-vaccination harming our pets? Are vets making our pets sick? By Elizabeth Hart |
Canine Health Concern encourages all pet owners as well as vets to report 'suspected' reactions to all veterinary drugs (as well as vaccines) on the links provided above.
The 'problem' with vets is that they are not taught what potential reactions may be possible following administration, so they will not be aware of it. Although it obviously should not have to be down to pet owners to fill the gap, it is important that as many suspected reactions are reported as possible.
The current reporting scheme is widely known to be vastly under-used. So it rarely actually shows the true state of reactions to vaccines/drugs, and together with vets inadequate education this makes the reporting scheme quite unsatisfactory. But it is all we have got.
Below is one example of how adverse reactions have destroyed lives:
Spangler shone the same magic on his family - until he received a booster jab.......
by permission from Dogs Today - June 2006 |